The homepage of Arrow Timber Wolf

Welcome to my home page, or aka, another contentless vanity page! I'm Arrow T. Wolf and I'll be your server today. I'm an anthropomorphic wolf and if ya don't know what that is I ain't gonna tell you. (Just kidding. Check out the description page for more.) I have no clue what I'm gonna put on here..I guess I could talk about furry fandom, IRC, or FurryMUCK, but that's on every contentless vanity page and I wanna be -~*DiFFeReNT*~-! Hmmm..I don't draw so I can't have a gallery..I don't even have -me- drawn yet! I don't write..yet. Though I've been thinking about it, everyone says I'm a good writer and I used to get A+s all the time on those crappy short-story assignments that my teacher gave us in 8th grade..then again everyone in my public school system is stupid......ooooops I'm rambling again. I gave my coyote plushie, Latran, a home page, even though I'm scared that his is gonna be a lot better than mine. Let's see, what else..oh screw it, I'll talk about IRC and FurryMUCK, I need the content. I've considered filling out a werecard, but I'm not especially into the theri..theri..oh jeez, what's that word..well, you know what I'm talking about, I'm just not into that side of furrydom. Oh, y'know what, I can put a description of me, maybe even a bio of my human side. I know I'll probably think of something while I'm trying to go to sleep tonight (it's when I do my best thinking!) and I'll put it on here. Insert new ideas here:
Plushie page! A -vanity- plushie page, even!

This has been another session from the inner workings of Arrow's mind. Thank you for your time.

In the meantime, I'll just stick a lotta miscellaneous stuff and contact info below..

Email: [email protected]
ICQ: 4861851
If you're looking to run into me in real time, I go by ArrowWolf in Yiffnet and ArrowTWolf in FurryMUCK. I'm online -a lot-.

You're furry/human # to stumble across my den. Whurf! (I know it's broken..I'm getting a new one.)

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My Furry Code
FCWs3amr A- C D+ H+++ M+ P+++ R+ T+ W Z- Sm+ RLU a18 cn++ d e- f h* iwf+++ j- p sm-

If you're wondering why I don't have any cool images yet, it's because I wrote this in Wordpad and it's kinda hard to incorporate images with it, but I'll get some--I promise. :)

Fortunecity is pretty cool for giving me all this free space so click here. Well, click Fortunecity because if you clicked "here" then nothing would happen and you'd kinda look dumb..